A Beginners Guide to Easy & Achievable Green Living

This blog was created as a support tool for the course, "Green Practices for Urban Living," taught by Meg Bye. Tailored for the urban dweller, the course/blog discusses the issues facing urban dwellers with regard to environmental awareness. The blog emphasizes simple, achievable goals toward lowering our individual carbon footprints. This blog welcomes discussion and growth, so please feel free to contact Meg or post comments whenever you like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Issues Facing Urban Dwellers

Detachment from Nature
For us urban dwellers, we wander dusty concrete streets, through steel alleys, travel in high-capacity consumer turbines and reside almost entirely in a technical, clockwork atmosphere. While living in the city provides culture, entertainment, diversity and exchange, the issue of connecting intimately with the "great outdoors" remains difficult. Here in Chicago, getting up close and personal with nature almost inevitably means traveling outside of this state into at least our neighboring Wisconsin or Michigan.

As a result, we often become swept up in the hub-bub of city bustling and feel disconnected from the expansive universe outside our little hive.

Pollutants Haunting the City Streets
Ever feel a burning pressure in your lungs some days more than others? Getting up that third flight of stairs with more difficultly than usual? On your way down Lake Shore Drive, do you notice "algae warnings" along the waterfront? On a blustery day, have you walked down an alley and watched an open trash bin billow garbage throughout the streets?

Well,  then you live in the city where green space is lean and pollutants, while not advertised brightly, do pill up like dust bunnies at the back of a couch.

However, do not be discouraged my dear friends! There are fun and simple activities we can all do (without cracking the piggy bank) to clean our living spaces, our breathing air and beautify the great places in which we live! Keep posted for updates on how to "GREEN YOUR SCENE!"

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