A Beginners Guide to Easy & Achievable Green Living

This blog was created as a support tool for the course, "Green Practices for Urban Living," taught by Meg Bye. Tailored for the urban dweller, the course/blog discusses the issues facing urban dwellers with regard to environmental awareness. The blog emphasizes simple, achievable goals toward lowering our individual carbon footprints. This blog welcomes discussion and growth, so please feel free to contact Meg or post comments whenever you like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Time Clutter: Arrange your life for success

One of the best kept secrets of environmental strategies is: be prepared.
By having some organization, preparation and a few strategies under your belt, you can make easy cut-backs.

Put these simple practices into your arsenal:

Lunch/Going Out:
  • Keep utensils by your office desk and skip on the silverware when you are ordering
  • Use a cooler when heading to work (have two, one at home and one in the office for left-overs)
  • Count your food in miles: locavore, eat veggies that are in season, less cow and more chicken to offset carbon footprint
  • Keep your “fish chart” handy for going out- be conscious of over fishing
  • Keep a little clean Tupperware in the house/car/office for leftovers instead of Styrofoam to-go containers
  • Say “no” to excess bags at coffeeshops or small things that you could easily carry or put in you bags
  • Have a separate place/bag or area in your car/home that you put recyclables in so you are not motivated to throw them away
  • Be proud of yourself when you do a good job! Spread the word!!!
  • Bring your own to grocery shopping
  • Keep collapsible bags in purse/duffle bag/car
  • Use old bags to get groceries or as trash bags
  • Reusable ceramic cups
  • Bring your own coffee cossie
  • Thermos/ H20 bottle
Hotel/Travel Behavior
(see link on good hotel traveling tips- to be updated soon)

    Buy Local:
    • Good for small business economies
    • Less shipping and international outsourcing
    • Recycled gifts for the holidays and for funky great fashions
    • Ragstock, CrossRoads, Vintage Shops, Alley, Brown Stone Antiques
    Also check out the HOW TO GREEN YOUR HOME and GREEN YOUR OFFICE posts for more helpful and easy tips!

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